4 Tips for Composite Bonding Aftercare

Posted on 09/10/2024

Composite bonding can be a great way to ensure that your teeth are looking their very best. However, there are a few things that you need to keep in mind in regard to how you care for them after the procedure is complete. These are the top recommendations provided by a Denver cosmetic dentist.

No More Stiff Bristles

The toothbrush that you use should have soft bristles, not the stiff ones that you may have become accustomed to. The reason for this is that stiffness may prove to be an irritant to your gums. They actually have the ability to cause small abrasions in the skin surrounding your teeth, which can subsequently lead to a host of other problems. It is a significantly better idea to speak to Dr. Tim Wachuta and use the toothbrush that he recommends.

Regular Flossing

After composite bonding, it is more crucial than ever that you floss on a regular basis. While many people tend to forget to floss their teeth daily, this is a bad habit to get into. By ensuring that you floss not only regularly, but in the proper fashion, your teeth will remain just as healthy and beautiful as they are after the cosmetic procedure. A Denver cosmetic dentist will generally tell you that flossing before bedtime is the optimal time to do so.

Schedule Dental Appointments

When you receive high-quality cosmetic dental work, you will want to ensure that you make and keep regularly scheduled dental appointments. The common recommendation is to visit the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and a thorough inspection. This goes a long way to preventing any tooth decay and catching any small problems before they become large ones. The dentist can also instruct you on proper technique if you or they feel that it is something that you are lacking.

A Mouth Guard Might Be Necessary

Many people grind their teeth at night and do not even realize it. A skilled dentist such as Dr. Tim Wachuta can prescribe you a mouth guard to wear while you are sleeping. This prevents you from grinding or clenching your teeth and causing even further damage to them. While they may take some getting used to, they are highly recommended as the surest way for you to keep your smile looking its absolute best.

If you have had cosmetic dental work done in Denver, Golden, and Wheat Ridge at Gentle Smiles of Colorado, make sure to talk to the staff and ask them any questions that you need regarding your teeth. They will tell you the do's and don'ts as to how best to care for your newly-repaired smile.