If you have scheduled a root canal with us, then you might also be wondering exactly what you should do to care for your mouth afterward. There are also things that you need to avoid after the root canal procedure is over.
Brush Your Teeth
Due to the fact that a root canal is considered a form of surgery performed by a Denver cosmetic dentist, many people think that they need to avoid brushing their teeth so as to avoid harming the area where the procedure took place. However, this is definitely not the case. In fact, you should brush on a regular basis just as you were doing before the root canal. The only thing to do differently is to brush a bit more softly than you normally would.
Take Medications Prescribed for Periodontics in Denver
Since a root canal can leave a certain amount of pain for a few days afterward, you will need to take all the medications that the Denver cosmetic dentist prescribed to you. There will also be antibiotics that the dentist at Gentle Smiles of Colorado will give you. This is to ensure that the surgical incision will not become infected after the procedure is completed.
Avoid Hard Foods
One rule of root canal periodontics in Denver is that all foods that are hard should be avoided until after the crown is placed on your tooth or teeth and the dentist gives you approval to get back to eating normally. This will protect your teeth from further cracking or breaking until the repairs are finalized.
Avoid Eating Until You're No Longer Numb
When you try to eat while your mouth is still numb, you can actually cause damage to your inner cheeks as well as your tongue. This is why the clinic staff at Gentle Smiles of Colorado will recommend that you wait until your mouth is no longer numb before you try chewing anything, no matter what the consistency might be.
No matter if you are visiting our location in Denver, Wheat Ridge, or Golden, you will receive expert care not only from the dentist but from the entire staff as well. If you need a root canal, there is no finer clinic to visit. Please contact us as soon as possible so that we may schedule your next appointment and start caring for you right away.