Fun Facts & Statistics About Smiling

Posted on 11/06/2017

How Smiling Affects Your Overall Happiness

All the services we offer at Gentle Smiles of Colorado are geared toward one thing: To help our patients achieve and maintain beautiful and healthy smiles they can enjoy for the rest of their lives! As your premiere Denver, Wheat Ridge, & Golden, CO family dentist, we want you to leave our office smiling and completely satisfied with the dental care we provide you with. Below are a few fun facts about smiling & happiness we think you'll enjoy!

Children Tend to Smile More Than Adults

Did you know that children smile up to 400 times a day, while adults smile only about 20 times per day? This is probably due to the fact that children have fewer responsibilities than adults and much less to worry about.

It Takes Less Effort to Smile Than to Frown

Did you also know that it takes around 50 muscles to make a frown, but only about 13 to smile? This means it's easier to be cheerful than grouchy! And, smiling feels better than frowning so the next time you're feeling down, just turn that frown upside down!

A Smile Is the Most Recognized Facial Expression

When you smile, people know that you're happy, regardless if you're in your hometown or half a world away in a foreign country! A smile is truly universal and the most recognized facial expression of them all!

Smiling Can Actually Make You Happier

Forcing yourself to smile when you're sad will actually improve your mood. In a study called Grin and Bear It, participants who were instructed to smile recovered from doing stressful activities faster than those who were told to hold neutral facial expressions. It really is true that you can relieve some stress and feel happier by forcing yourself to smile when you're feeling down!

Babies are Born with the Ability to Smile

Even though babies learn most of their behaviors from watching the people around them, all babies are born with the ability to smile, including babies born blind.

Smiles Really Are Contagious!

In a Scandinavian study, it was found that people had difficulty frowning when they looked at other people who were smiling. This helps confirm that smiling really is contagious!

There are Many Different Types of Smiles

A researcher at UC San Francisco identified 19 different types of smiles and put all smiles into two categories: Polite "social" smiles which use fewer muscles, and sincere "felt" smiles that use more muscles on both sides of the face.

We Want to Make You Smile!

Now that you've learned a few fun facts about smiling, the dentists at Gentle Smiles of Colorado would love to make you smile! If you're looking for a Golden, CO general dentist, we encourage you to contact us. We offer all the pediatric dentistry and adult dental treatments your family needs for a lifetime of healthy & happy smiles. We hope to hear from you soon!